Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Omnikin NewS?

Woo-hoo! Snowday today. Of course, that means sitting on the computer all day. Seriously, I didn't do anything but talk to Amaya and go NewS-ing. Yep. So, definitely, their pv for Akaku Moyuru Taiyou is amazing. They have like, two omnikin balls, one in the original pink, and one in blue. It's so amazing...it makes me miss the old elementary and middle school days when we played Omnikin Ball in gym. XD Anyway, here's a pic:

Lol-able, right? XD Anyway, I'm so excited that I can actually name them all now! I thought it would take longer. I mean, it took me weeks to figure out all of C-ute's names. Wow. DX But anyway...I'm sure this picture will look familliar. XD ::
From left to right::
Takahisa (Reina-man! XD), Ryo, Tegochi (Ero Ouji!), Yamapi, Shigue, and of course, Koyama. X3 They're all so kawaii! But then again, I'm just a NewS noob, so the names might not be right. XD
Anyway, it's Fat Tuesday, and that means we're going out to Puerta for dinner. Yummeh. ID
So, I guess I'll be leaving now. (:
PS--anybody seen the random C-usical where Mai is this chick named Mayu? It was so funny, I was just sitting there watching it, and Mai walks by Saki and Saki goes, "Ah! Mayu!". I was like, "Saki knows my name?!"

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