Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random Like of the Day~ 8.19.2010

I'm bored, so I'm starting a random series on my blog. xD It won't be something I do everyday, since I would probably forget and then have to do two or something. Or if I can't think of anything in the first place (which is highly unlikely, but whatever).

So, anyway!

This series shall be titled 'Random Like of the Day~' (yes, with the tilde and all. Because I like it, that's why.). I know you're intelligent and can probably gather from the title the theme of the series, but I'm going to inform you anyway (and not just because it will take up space *coughcough*)!

'Random Like of the Day~' is a series where I shall talk briefly or lengthily about something I encountered or thought about that day that I realllly~ like. Sometimes they will be totally meaningless and sometimes they might actually apply to the RL. (But prolly not as often on the latter because I have no life xD)

So, without further ado, today's Random Like of the Day~
Today is Maru's deep, sexy voice. O.O OMG I love it when he sings or talks with that voice. It's so attractive and rather unMaru-like. Sort of like Koki singing. Like his line in 'Rescue', "Ladies and gentlemen; it's my beatbox," is an example of the talking in that voice. I think that's Rescue, anyway. Is it? Now I can't remember. Oh well.


Anyway, there's also that song they do at nearly every concert (of which its name escapes me at the moment), and Maru has that really deep line and Jin harmonizes with him? Well, now that Jin's gone, it's prolly Junno or Ueda, but whatever. That reminds me, I need to save so I can get the KaT-TUN DVD when it comes out.....
Yes, but that is an example of the singing side of it. :3

This picture is so gorgeous. This entire photoshoot was just pulchritudinous. Shut up, I like that word.

So, what have we learned today? (Blatantly stealing from swiftkaratechop)
Nakamaru Yuichi is a beautiful person with and amazing voice, and is in a group that had splendiferous photoshoots. Yes.


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