Friday, February 26, 2010

More Proof.

What more do I have to say?


Okay. So maybe I haven't blogged in a while. Maybe I was being obsessed with Tegochi in every waking moment. Maybe I downloaded every picture of him I could find. Maybe I watched every video I found of him. Maybe I squealed like a fangirl and watched them all again.

Or maybe it really wasn't that long, but felt like it to me because I am also obsessed with blogging.


Well, I hash been obsessing over Tego~nyan one way or the other, and along with that came YamapiTego, KoyaTego, RyoTego, and of course, TegoMass. (It just sounds weird the other way around. Seriously. MassTego? I don't think so. But Massu is still the seme. XD)
Either way, none of that has anything to do with poor Shige. Who of course, is amazing. BUT! Since I took the NewS boyfriend thing and got Shige, I figured he deserved more love. XD (I was hoping to find some of his little Tego~nyan giving it to him...but the pictures were scarce and of bad quality. Darn it! DX)


I decided to share a whole bunch of amazing pictures of Shige with you! X3 Enjoy Shige's amazing-ness. 8D

I have to wonder who put that on him. XD

Sexeh bad boy! X3

Kato collage!

Shi-ge-a-ki! X3

Daaawlz. When I first saw the thumbnail of this pic, I thought he was wearing one of those Chinese-style shirts, but I clicked on it anyway. Glad I did! XD

Random globe. XD

Smoldering! Not really, but still amazing && cuteness. X3

Good pic for a background or something. X3

Favorite hairstyle. 8D

Peace! XD Plus, his collah be poppin!
Looks like he's about to POP the collah! XD That's such a fun phrase. X3

Really good picture, but I'm a bigger fan of his short hair. X3

Well, hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Testing Season

Well, here in Pre-School land, it's KG testing season. My favorite...some of the answers they give.... Here's some just for kicks and giggles:
When is Christmas?
-When it snows.
-Jesus's birthday, of course!
And my personal favorite: 'Fall.'

When do we go swimming?
-7 o'clock.
-100. (WTF?! XD)

When does it snow?
-Christmas, duh.
-7:19. (7 o'clock girl, too. XD)
-Fall. (Does this little guy have a Fall obsession??)

Which is faster, a choochoo or an airplane?
-100 (Same XD)

What do we use our noses for?
-Dogs use them to smell each other's butts. (Not the Q, little man.)

If I put an ice cube on the table, and it melts, what is it now?
Best answer ever: 'A crab.' (How does that even make sense?? XD)

What makes the night different from the day?
-A blanket.
-The weather.
-100. (No. Just no.)

Here's my personal favorite:
What makes clouds go away on a cloudy day?
-The weather.
-Coloring! (???)
-Jesus! (Best answer ever. EVER.)

So, I hope you got some laughs out of that. AND! Today, I'm going to mix things up with some yummy Yamapi x Koykun! 8D

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Truth about Tesshi

Yes. I realize this is my second blog in one night. But let me asssure you.
It was necessary.
I've been trying to find a nice way to express Tegochi...but it doesn't work. So I hope he won't take offense when I call him a manwhore. Maybe maneater would be a good term? XD
And here's my proof. X3

With Ryo....
(Ryo make look uke here, but don't be fooled! XD)

Getting some Yamapi love...

Getting lifted by Massu! XD (Of course, Ryo is totally oblivious he's being cheated on. XD)

Koyama! There will be no raping of the Tegochi on stage! Or will there....? XD Yes, there will!

And now you can see why Tegonyan is so amazing. I think I'm going to stick with maneater...

Day && Hubby

What a day.
First period: 100 multi choice and 2 essay History test. (I can only imagine what the final's going to be like. DI) Second period: La Bamba && MIB I. Lunch. Third period: Inventory (it's foods, so we inventoried cabinets and drawers and such) & DEAR. Fourth period: project turn in's and Three Sovreigns for Sarah. Home. Book Club. Yay! 8D Saw Amaya. X3 Home, dinner, shower, blog. And, no homework since the never ending block finally ended! 8D

This is probably my shortest blog, but I'll leave you with a picture of Tegochi and his....well. Yeah. XD

(Wondering why Massu came up when I searched Tegoshi & Yamapi?? XD)
(But this is totally what I was looking for! 8D)
This picture of Yamapi was completely necessary. XD

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dance && SUV's Are NOT Off-Road Vehicles

So, last night was a looong night. (XD THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! Sorry, obnoxious time over.) Anyway, first I made my way to Vanessa's house, with a slight detour to Meijer's for a Monster. It was half gone by the time I got there. Her driveway is so curvy! I was confused when I was driving on it. I parked on the side of the house and texted Vanessa. "I think I'm here." I said. XD So I walked up to the front door, and 'called' the house. They don't have a doorbell. They have this little caller thing. So this guy answered the door, and I thought it was her brother, but then I realized she doesn't have any brothers.
"Hello, I'm Vanessa's father," he said. I used my supah-cotillion skills and pulled out a perfect greeting, since he IS a doctor and all. I saw the need.
"Hello, I'm *insert my name here*," curtsy and everything. Yep. Then I went to meet her mom, same scenario. Her two sisters weren't home then, so she just sort of showed me around the ground floor of her house. Most of the other people arrived, but we still had to wait on Erika. Jeez. Anyway, she got there and we sat down to Chicken Parmasean, which I coudn't eat, since I gave up meat for Lent. Oh well. Then we took a picture or two::

Left to right::

Vanessa, Jake, Erika, Matt, Nate, me. Yepp.

So then we went to the dance, and took five cars. XD Anyway, the dance was fun, I took some pictures, though I won't bother you with too many. X3

Me, Josh, Erika, Vanessa, and Emily

Clockwise from top:

Erika, Emily, Josh, Me, Vanessa.

Yepp, so then we went to Matt's house, where we played Uno Attack. Yes, we are nerds. I rode with Vanessa and Erika since Matt doesn't have much driveway space. XD That was, fun, though we only got through two hands of the game in three hours. Vanessa brought me back to my car at school around 11:45, since neither of us had to be home until midnight.
Anyway, I pulled out of school and realized my lights weren't on. So I glanced down to turn them on, and the next thing I knew, I was in a snow mountain. So I called my parents to tell them. Then I called Josh to see if he could help me, since he was still at Matt's when we left. He and Emily came and tried to start pulling me out. But to no avail. Nate drove by and saw it was me and he stopped and Josh and he started to push. No avail either. Mason drove by (completely random, I know.) and wanted to know who was stuck. Josh told him it was me, and Mason goes, "Jessicaaaaa!," in a scolding tone. XD So the guys tried to push me out while Emily called Matt to bring some shovels. He said he was on his way when this truck of older guys pulled up and decided to tell us what to do. Then they left. Next thing I know, my dad calls me and tells me he's coming. I didn't have much choice. Chevy drives by and decides he's going to go get his truck to pull me out, though I tried to tell him someone was coming. Oh well.

Now a cop pulls up. Great. He's laughing at us and asks about alcohol/texing. Neither of which I had been doing. Ugh. Anyway, Josh and Emily have to leave (it's almost one) and about ten minutes later, my dad gets there. We assesed the problem, which was that ALL my tires were spinning. I was COMPLETELY on top of the snow. No traction whatsoever. So my dad hooks up his (tiny, 3000 lb) truck to my (huge, 5000 lb) SUV. Mason threw me out of the car (literally) and I didn't have much time to put any shoes on.

So it's 12:50, below freezing, and I'm standing on the road with no shoes on. Luckily nobody noticed. Anyway, since my dad and Mason are both car people, they managed to pull my baby out. It took a couple tries, (in which the cop laughed at us. Jeez), and as SOON as I was pulled out, Chevy's HUGE, GIANT, MONSTER 6000 lb truck pulls up. Ugh. He's all, "JESSICA! I said I would come and pull you out!" So I went, "Well, my dad came and pulled me out." XD So he left. Matt and Nate left, as did the cop. Mason reprimanded me and left. My dad and I got in his truck so he could take me to where Mason left my car. And I cried for a bit. Finally, we left. Halfway down 600, I realized I was still in L2. So I parked it in the middle of the road and shifted gears. XD All in all, I got home after 1 in the morning, and my parents still trust me to drive. Yep.

So, how was your day? XD
~Mayu (And since I'm nice::)

It's Tegonyan! X3 (Is it okay if I call him that Shige? XD)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day of Death && Tegonyan~ looks like the rest of the day is pretty full for me. Not really full of death, but whatever. I'll prolly die laughing at some point. Usually happens with my nerd friends. XD

So today is the Sweethearts dance, which I was NOT going to go to until my nerd friends forced me. (Mostly Vanessa and Erika. And Matt. Those Heritage Hall kids. Jeez.) Anyhooters, before the dance, Vanessa's madre decided to invite us all over for dinner. YES! Vanessa's mom has a catering business, so she's an amazing cook. Or so I've heard. XD So since I've never been to her house before, I scouted it out this morning so I wouldn't have to find it in the dark. Her road is completely ice-covered. Luckily, I'll have my NewS CD to entertain me while I am forced to drive slow. XD Then, we'll go to school for the dance. Which we won't dance at. At least, I prolly won't. I'll mostly sit in the cafeteria. XD Afterwards, Vanessa invited me to Matt's house for ice-cream and a movie. Though, I've never been to his house, so I'll have to follow someone. XD Then, I'll finally go home, and maybe upload some pics if I remember my camera. And also do my English homework, since tomorrow is baby-sitting and Conformation. DX Yuck.

So, has anybody noticed how adorable Tegochi is?? Seriously, I think I'm going to kidnap him. Yes. Or at least buy any merchandise that has to do with him. I need to make a shrine...but where? My room is full...I KNOW! There's like, nothing in the attic. Yes. >ID *Has a plan*
And I don't care what Amaya says. HE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE MEGUMI! D8<

Tego-nyan! X3

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Omnikin NewS?

Woo-hoo! Snowday today. Of course, that means sitting on the computer all day. Seriously, I didn't do anything but talk to Amaya and go NewS-ing. Yep. So, definitely, their pv for Akaku Moyuru Taiyou is amazing. They have like, two omnikin balls, one in the original pink, and one in blue. It's so makes me miss the old elementary and middle school days when we played Omnikin Ball in gym. XD Anyway, here's a pic:

Lol-able, right? XD Anyway, I'm so excited that I can actually name them all now! I thought it would take longer. I mean, it took me weeks to figure out all of C-ute's names. Wow. DX But anyway...I'm sure this picture will look familliar. XD ::
From left to right::
Takahisa (Reina-man! XD), Ryo, Tegochi (Ero Ouji!), Yamapi, Shigue, and of course, Koyama. X3 They're all so kawaii! But then again, I'm just a NewS noob, so the names might not be right. XD
Anyway, it's Fat Tuesday, and that means we're going out to Puerta for dinner. Yummeh. ID
So, I guess I'll be leaving now. (:
PS--anybody seen the random C-usical where Mai is this chick named Mayu? It was so funny, I was just sitting there watching it, and Mai walks by Saki and Saki goes, "Ah! Mayu!". I was like, "Saki knows my name?!"

Monday, February 15, 2010

This can't be healthy.

I think I just got addicted to blogging. It's sorta like Twitter, but wordy-er. XD So anyway, I had a Zetsu kind of day. Meaning half good, half bad. XD First period wasn't so bad, we didn't really do anything. Second period was great! We did fun stuff. Though I can't remember what. Anyway, then I went to lunch and my two friends had fun throwing around this little space ship thing we found in my purse. Exciting, I know. In third period, I single handedly made clam chowder. And ate none of it. My teacher loves me. X3 Right, so fourth period, my teacher talked for about, hour and forty minutes. And the period is an hour and thirty minutes. It didn't work. DX But then, it got worse. I had to ride the bus. Ew. But luckily, when I got home, I had an email of this wonderful yaoi inspired vid waiting for me. Yay for yaoi friends! X3 ....I think I want to name something Abengalbon. Yes. Like el rey de El Cid. XD Don't forget Yasuf! And Bucar! What terrible names! Jeez.

But seriously.

I'm going to name my first born son Vladimir Tod.

So, enough ranting about my boring life. Now I'll rant about my boring obsessions! Like....NewS! XD I can't believe how addicted I'm getting. Oh well. However, I know too little to rant yet. So I'll go Wiki/Crunchyroll/Bing their butts. Their cute, penetrated by eachother's manhoods butts. OOPS! Did I just say that? Nope. Nothing. But, since Erika is still the best, I'll leave you with this totally kawaii piccie of her! X3

Amaya will hate me...

Okay, so I have a confession. I may possibly be addicted to something Amaya hates...called NewS. Yes. It's true. No. I don't know why. They're just so kawaii! Especially in Summer Time and Weeeek. Plus, proof that Reina is prettier as a man:
(Not to mention better-sounding! 8D)

Whoah, there, Takahisa, that's Erika's Namida style! XD See?!::

Right, so anyway, I made it better. Liking NewS, that is. Since there used to be six C-ute members, and there are now 6 NewS members, I got addicted to watching Summer Time, and decided who were the most alike! XD (Somewhat better, yes, Amaya?? XD)

Yosh, from left to right I pegged them as:
Chisato, Airi, Erika, Mai, Saki, and Maimi.
Since the pairings in this pv have Maimi/Erika....couldn't help myself. XD Then that leaves us with Chisa/Airi and Mai/Saki. Which isn't bad. Acutally, I think Chisa and Airi sound nice together. 8D *Digging self out of hole* XD So anyway, I gots to go finish up my history and take a shower, so I can be all squeaky clean.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Me? Copy Amaya? Psssh, please. >.>

SO ANYWAY.....I decided to get a blog. Yep. As you can tell. Basically, it's where I'm going to talk about all of my random obsessions...(I have many, XD), rant about whatever, and be all fangirl on anybody that decides to listen. I've had a blog type thing before, and I was addicted to it, even though nobody read it. XD At least here, I know at least ONE person will read it...Amaya....Right, so I'll leave you with these wonderful pictures of the amazing Erika~chan. X3 And also! Happy Valentine's Day!