Friday, August 27, 2010

Nakayama Yuma~

Yay! Came home from a long day of school to find my recently ordered cd waiting for me~~~ X3

Just taken out of the bubble wrap and tissue paper~ It was in green tissue paper for some strange reason. xD

Front of the cd, still in plastic. xD As you can see, the Nakayama Yuma with B.I.Shadow side. :3

Back of the cd, the NYC Boys side. :3 (What's funny is, when I took this piccie, my camera recognized Yuma and Chinen as faces but nobody else. xD)

The inserts~~~ The top two in the left corner are stickers, the top right is the back cover, the bottom left and middle are inner images, and the bottom right is the front cover. X3

And of course, everyone knows this image, which is on the opposite side of the bottom insert in the piccie above this one. :3

So yeah, definitely the best thing I could have found waiting for me. x3 My BIG BANG socks should be coming sometime next week, so yay. 8D

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another HSJ ranker... xD

I can't help it! DX Blame it on these pictures:

Really, how could Keito not jump up the ranks after seeing those? x3

RankHey! Say! JUMP Ranking
Favorite (Top) to
Least Favorite (Bottom)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I haven't blogged in like, five days, so I thought I would randomly share some piccies I had sitting around on my camera. xD

For no reason in particular, we start out with my cat sitting atop the arch because she's weird.

Yay! Today in Fine Arts, we had baklava and 'grape juice' in honor of Oedipus Rex and Dionysus. xD

A binder this time! I made this for my Eng 12 AP class, since she 'strongly suggested' us to get binders. Effing bitch. So anyway, Tegomasu, Yamashita Shoon, and Takaki Yuya. :3

Aaaaand last but not least, BIG BANG socks I just ordered off of eBay! I'm trading Varnessa a Taeyang (pink) sock and a Seungri (light blue) sock for some 8059 fanfiction! I love my friendlies. >3

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random Like of the Day~ 8.19.2010

I'm bored, so I'm starting a random series on my blog. xD It won't be something I do everyday, since I would probably forget and then have to do two or something. Or if I can't think of anything in the first place (which is highly unlikely, but whatever).

So, anyway!

This series shall be titled 'Random Like of the Day~' (yes, with the tilde and all. Because I like it, that's why.). I know you're intelligent and can probably gather from the title the theme of the series, but I'm going to inform you anyway (and not just because it will take up space *coughcough*)!

'Random Like of the Day~' is a series where I shall talk briefly or lengthily about something I encountered or thought about that day that I realllly~ like. Sometimes they will be totally meaningless and sometimes they might actually apply to the RL. (But prolly not as often on the latter because I have no life xD)

So, without further ado, today's Random Like of the Day~
Today is Maru's deep, sexy voice. O.O OMG I love it when he sings or talks with that voice. It's so attractive and rather unMaru-like. Sort of like Koki singing. Like his line in 'Rescue', "Ladies and gentlemen; it's my beatbox," is an example of the talking in that voice. I think that's Rescue, anyway. Is it? Now I can't remember. Oh well.


Anyway, there's also that song they do at nearly every concert (of which its name escapes me at the moment), and Maru has that really deep line and Jin harmonizes with him? Well, now that Jin's gone, it's prolly Junno or Ueda, but whatever. That reminds me, I need to save so I can get the KaT-TUN DVD when it comes out.....
Yes, but that is an example of the singing side of it. :3

This picture is so gorgeous. This entire photoshoot was just pulchritudinous. Shut up, I like that word.

So, what have we learned today? (Blatantly stealing from swiftkaratechop)
Nakamaru Yuichi is a beautiful person with and amazing voice, and is in a group that had splendiferous photoshoots. Yes.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

G-Dragon's 22~

So, in honor of G-Dragon's 22nd birthday, I made cookies! Of course, we had no cookie mix in the house, so after school I ran up to Meijer's to get some cookie mix and a few other things (Like colored pencils and gum xD). Anyway, in the middle of lunch, I randomly went,
"Today is G-Dragon's twenty-second birthday! I'm going to have a G-cookie party for him," and Varnessa was like, "G-Dragon.....?" And since I never told her the names of BigBang, I told her he was the leader of BB. And we had a slight BB fangirl moment. xD A few seconds later she was like, " you celebrating alone...?" I replied, "Yeah, but you can come over if you want," And I was expecting her to be like, "I prolly won't be allowed," But she was like, "OKAY!" xD So she came over around 5:30. She was on drink duty (Only because we had been talking about sparkling grape juice at lunch, and she was going to buy some, but Meijer's had none xD). So, she came over and unexpectedly, she had....

Monster!!!!! We watched the Monster PV as a tribute. xD So, anyway she got a four pack and let me have the two left over because her dad would prolly confiscate them or something D8 Anyway, we got started making the cookies and ended making three pans from one bag xD But then we still had some left over so we made G-Dragon focused cookie dough sculptures. We are so artful.

Anyway, I made an apple since we all know G-Dragon's symbol is an apple. xD (Except I forgot to put the 'G' on before I took a piccie. XD) And Varnessa made a broken heart for his 'Heartbreaker' album/song/mv. X3

And here's how the G-cookies turned out! They is quite tasty too. :3 So after we made them and they cooled a little bit, I thanked her for buying Monster by letting her view my bajillions of clips, shows, concerts and the like. xD She was so entertained we lost track of time and she ended up staying until 9. Oops. xD
Yay for friendlies. xD


Monday, August 16, 2010


First day... meh. So far, so.... fail. Switching schedules from block to 7-periods a day for senior year sucks. Though, thankfully Mr. Hess is back. 8D

First period: English 12 AP. Already hate this class. Actually, I already hated the class (and the bitch of a teacher LOL) since she assigned us a 500+ page for summer last year (a summer in which I was busy volunteering and actually helping people in need at the HOSPITAL). And then I walk into her class with Varnessa and Erika and see my seat in the freaking front row, in the corner closest to her. How unlucky can I get? Blah. So anyway she talked for an hour, and when the bell rang we all left. Hoorah. So yeah, now I get my first experience with four minute passing periods, which are suuuuuper short. That one minute makes a big difference. :P So now I'm heading to...

Second period: Fine Arts. With. Mrs. Meier. Fisher. Ew. Emily stalked me. So I chatted with Varnessa about 'important things'. XD So, basically we learned that we are going to learn the Greek alphabet (joy, oh joy. Luckily I already know a few thanks to Tree and Hart. XD), we are going to watch lots of films, read a bajillion plays, and eat. Another four minutes takes me to....

Third period: Calculus. Oh, happy day. Love Tree though. Luckily there's only like, ten people in that class. So, onto....

Fourth period: Human Development. Love Saxon! Have with Ryan and Kendra, yay. Also, the only class all day I don't have with Varnessa. XD Figures. So, this is also when lunch is. I have B lunch, which is entirely too early. Seriously. It starts at like, 11:20. No. Just no. Yeah, so half an hour of fourth, to lunch, and then back to fourth. Another four minutes takes me to....

Fifth period: Anatomy. HOORAH! MR. HESS! He's such an amazing teacher, I actually learn stuff when he teaches. X3 Sadly, he did have us pick our own seats this block, so Cierra-Werra isn't my buddy. DX Oh welp.
Today, being the first day, we had a boring convocation with our principal. This event forced us to leave dear Mr. Hess' class to go sit in the auditorium for forever and a day. Then we had to sit there a little more, being the senior class. By the time he finished, sixth period was nearly over. So, Sims, my Econ teacher, who is epically awesome, just had us sit there until sixth was over. Which we kindly did. The bell rang in about seven minutes and four minutes later.....

Seventh period: PC. Varnessa and I were nearly the only seniors in there save for Valeri, but she sat on the other side of the room from us. D8 But it was okay, since she and I sat together. PC is also in Sims' room, so we won't really have to go anywhere in between sixth and seventh. XD Anyway, I did my English hw in there but failed to remember my Calc, so I was slightly bored the rest of the period. Varnessa, however drew an entertaining piccie. XD I have some piccies down there~

So, if our agenda's weren't already gay enough, I decided to make them worse by drawing Inoo~chan doing his 'Puri puri pretty~' skit while admiring himself in the mirror. XD

To: Jessica From: Varnessa 8D

XD It's Reborn~~ Yay. I love it when she draws me stuff. XD Clockwise from top (LOL, T.O.P!! *Stalks BigBang*): Tsuna, Yamamoto, Ryohei, 10 years later Lambo, Hibari, and Gokudera~~

Hopefully, I won't kill myself this year. XD

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Adventure Time With Massu:: 4

Yay! Went to Szechuan to eat, and then to the mall~

Food pairings. XD Koyashige UNF in the back, MassuPi sitting around, and RyoTego sugar atop a cake. XD

Mama, papa, and baby Massu with epic hats and scarf at Macy's. X3

Reesu Love FTW! (And yay for Mayu being a horrible picture taker and cutting out faces! XD)

Massu on a boat! 8D


Friday, August 13, 2010

Adventure Time With Massu:: 3

Hoorah~ More adventures at Meijer's and Target with the hubby and bebbe. X3 And the pool. XD

Massu in front of Super Mario Galaxy at Target. :3

Massu with his mama's sunglasses in a stroller at Meijer's. xD

Massu and mama at Meijer's (With mama's purse of DOOM in the cart! XD)

Papa tongue at Meijer's. XD (You can't see, but one of the boxes in the background says 'Shoon is the sex!'. >3)

Papa, Massu, and mama getting ready for a swim~ :3

Doing boring stuff tomorrow (like dread school). XD Shall take piccies Monday with Massu and Pals. :3


Thursday, August 12, 2010

30 Days of NewS: Final

Because: I can't sleep, I didn't want it unfinished by the time Monday rolls around and hell starts, I felt like finishing up my fail, I ordered NEWS LIVE today and my NEWS fangirl was re-awakened. Take your pick.
So, without further ado:

Day 15 - Favorite NEWS quote (excluding song lyrics)

From some interview I can’t remember the name or date of:

Q: Which member would you want to do a duet with?

Ryo: Tegoshi. Probably because I love him.

*Squeal* Yay for being a complete RyoTego fangirl. X3

Day 16 - A Koyama picture you can’t take your eyes off

Must love a man who looks sexy in glasses.

Day 17 - The first NEWS-related drama you thought of the moment you read this

My Boss My Hero. Hoorah for Nagasesaurous! XD

Day 18 - Fave OTP or 'member-ai' moment

Probably the countless times Tegoshi sits in Ryo’s lap. Or, during that one concert MC:
Koyama asks the members what member they would want as a boyfriend if they were a girl. “Ryo-tan!” Tegoshi says. “Hold on,” Pi cuts in, “I thought I was your most admired senpai?” “But most admired and the person I want as a boyfriend are different…” Tegoshi trails off. “He’s angry! Then what about you, Ryo?” Koyama takes over. “I’d want Tego as a girlfriend,” Ryo answers.

That totally wasn’t the question, Ryo. XD And, really, I could have left out the TegoPiness but it’s my second favorite and we wouldn’t want an incomplete story right? I really wish I could remember where I found this translation from. XD

Day 19 - A Shige pic you can’t take your eyes off

Who needs Shigemi when we have Rocker!Shige? XD Win.

Day 20 - Whatever tickles your fancy

This again? I thought we already established that this was Shoon. But I guess, since this is a NEWS meme….


Day 21 - A picture of your NEWS Stuff

Psshhhh all I have is the Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD and the LIVE album preordered, which does not deserve me getting out of bed, finding my camera, retrieving my camera battery from charge, placing it in my camera, taking a picture of one DVD, finding my camera cord, loading the picture onto my computer and finally sticking it in here. XD *Is a failure*

Day 22 - Favorite concert moment

Tegoshi dresses up as a Santa Whore and Ryo tries to get under his dress. (WTF am I so obsessed with RyoTego. Oh well. *Obsesses*)

Day 23 - Chibi NEWS picture


AWWWWWWWWWWW~ (OH NOES! Signs early on of Tego!slut. Kusano likes. Ryo and Uchi look suspicious. Massu’s hair never changes. Yamapi….I’m not even going to go there.)

Day 24 - A Tegoshi picture you can’t take your eyes off

BAHAHAHAHA. Wait. No. This isn’t fair! *Goes through all 613 Tego pictures* Yes. I counted. Don’t judge me.

LOL This wasn’t even one of the 613 piccies, just a random one I happened to notice in my stalking folder. XD

Day 25 - Favorite member solo

Ai Nante~

Day 26 - Favorite Concert DVD

Diamond or Pacific. X3 *Has watched Never Ending Wonderful Story too many times*

Day 27 - Favorite Live performance

That one random acapella of Hoshi wo Mezashite where JJExpress backdances for them.

Day 28- A fanwork (made by you or others)

None. DX *Cries* Lol, just kidding.


Day 29 - Favorite NEWS photoshoot



*Doesn’t know*

Because behind Tego’s sparkling, everyone else just looks like a background character. (Maybe except slightly Pi because he’s Pi and he’s amazing like that.)

Day 30 - Favorite group photo

Ugh. Theres toooooo many.

For obvious, TegoPi like reasons.


I should probably sleep, seeing as it is currently three in the morning, but, alas, listening to NEWS’s earlier music keeps me awake. XD
